Kagawa Nutrition University
Keiko Shibata, R.D., Ph.D.
Cookery Science
Outline of Research Activities

In our laboratory, we are currently researching the effects of various cooking methods on the palatability and physicochemical properties of vegetable and animal foods.

Recent Publications

List of original papers written for recent five years

Shibata, K., Kobayashi, Y., Watanabe, T., Yasuhara,Y. : Effect of Adding Potassium Lactate on the Sensory Characteristics of Five Basic Taste Solutions and a Clear Soup Model (in Japanese with English abstract) J. Cookery Science Jpn., 46, 381-388(2013)

Shibata, K., Watanaba, Y., Hayase, A., Yasuhara, Y.: Effect of Thawing Method on the Palatability of Grilled Fish (in Japanese with English abstract) J. Cookery Science Jpn.,45, 141-147(2012)

Shibata, K., Okushima, S., Nishimura, T.,: Effect of Biomass Feed (Recycled Feed) on the Sensory Evaluation and Chemical Components of Chicken Meat (in Japanese with English abstract) Annals of Institute of Nutrition Sciences Kagawa Nutrition University 17 57-65 (2011)

Shibata, K., Watanaba, Y., Hayase, A., Yasuhara, Y.: Influence of Heating Conditions with a Microwave Oven on the Palatability of Frozen Cooked Rice(in Japanese with English abstract) J. Cookery Science Jpn.,43, 87-97(2010)

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