Kagawa Nutrition University
Noriko Hashimoto, Ph.D., Professor
Laboratory of Education



Yoneta, S. Obinata, S. Yamashina, S. Hashimoto, N. et al.; Analyzing the history of postwar Japan from a gender viewpoint: Otukisyoten (2009, in Japanese)

Hashimoto, N.: Gender/Sexuality and Education in Finland: AkashiShoten (2006, in Japanese).

Nakajima, H., Sato, M., Hashimoto, N.: Why are Finnish Children good at achievement? . Kokudosya (2005, in Japanese).


Hashimoto, N. Shinohara, H. Tashiro, M. Suzuki, S. Hirose, H. Ikeya, H. Motegi, T. et al.; Sexuality Education in Junior High Schools in Japan: Sex Education (in press, in English)

Onodera, A. Hashimoto, N.; Present Status and Problems with University Sexual Health Services for Female Students. The Journal of Kagawa Nutrition University vol40, 59-68 (2009, in Japanese)

Sakaguchi, Y. Hashimoto, N. ; Effects of Parents' Attitudes toward Gender Roles on Child-Rearing and Children's Social Behaviors. The Journal of Kagawa Nutrition University vol40, 69-77 (2009, in Japanese)

Hashimoto, N. :Gender equality education in a framework of the Japanese Constitution and the Fundamental law of Education: Yoneta, S. Obinata, S. Yamashina, S. Hashimoto, N. et al.; Analyzing the history of postwar Japan from a gender viewpoint: Otukisyoten , 47-77 (2009, in Japanese)

Hashimoto, N. : A study about the Effect of Education on Social Independence of Youth in Focusing on the Transition from School to Work on Akita Prefecture from the Late 1950's to Early of 1960's: The Journal of Kagawa Nutrition University vol39, 55-67(2008, in Japanese)

Tanaka, K., Hashimoto, N. : A Current State and Assignment of Father's Child-care and Supporting Fathers-Focusing on the Fathers' Working Conditions and the State of Child-care Commitment-.The Journal of Kagawa Nutrition University vol38,53-74(2007, in Japanese)

Hashimoto, N.:A Historical Research about Transition to Co-education of all Prefectural High School In Fukushima Prefectur. Research Product Report with Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (2003-05); "A Study of Transition to Co-education under the Basic Law for a Gender-equal Society" , 1-9 (2006, in Japanese).

Hashimoto, N.: Recent Issues surrounding Gender Equality and Sex Education. EDUCAION LAW REVIEW vol.35, 59-66(2006, in Japanese).

Hashimoto, N.: Excellence of Finnish Girls' Reading Literacy and it's Background. The journal of Education,713, 33-40, Kokudosya ,(2005, in Japanese).

Hashimoto, N.,: Scholastic Ability and Education of Finnish Children revealed the Excellence at PISA. The Journal of High School Circus.56.22-29, (2005, in Japanese)

Hashimoto, N.: The Trend and Issues of Gender Equality and Sexuality Education in Japan. The Japanese Journal of Educational Research 72/1, 2-14 (2005, in Japanese)

Research Note and Report

Hashimoto, N.; The present Status and challenges of Education from a gender viewpoint in Japan.:A women's white paper 2009. 33-37 :Horupu shuppan (2009, in Japanese)

Hashimoto, N.; Finnish Sexuality Education in School and Society: The Journal of Child Psychology. No.882. 65-71 , kaneko syobo..(2008, in Japanese)

Hashimoto, N.: Transition to Co-education after a half Century in the Northeastern Region of Japan. BULLETIN OF STUDIES ON EDUCATION AND GENDER GRADUATE SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES,THE UNIVERSITY OF KAGAWA NUTRITION, No.7, 34-46(2007, in Japanese)

Hashimoto, N.: What does stand for The Elimination of Co-education Article in Current Fundamental Law of Education? The journal of Education, 726, 38-39, Kokudosya, (2006, in Japanese)

Hashimoto, N.: A Social Historical Study about the Effect of Education for Young People's Self-reliance ?focusing to get a job from farm village in Akita prefecture to metropolitan area from the latter of 1950's to the former of 1960's. BULLETIN OF STUDIES ON EDUCATION AND GENDER GRADUATE SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES, THE UNIVERSITY OF KAGAWA NUTRITION,N6.,8-19(2005, in Japanese).


Hashimoto, N., Tashiro, M., Koizumi, k., Kobayashi, Y., Matui, I., Morimasa, J., Yanai, I. translated into Japanese : "Change of Sexual Lifestyles in Finland." Otukisyoten(2006). Original title and publisher: Sexual Lifestyles in the Twentieth Century. PALGRAVE, New York(2002), Authors :Elina Haavio-Mannila Osmo Kontula and Anna Rotkirch.


Inoue, E. Hashimoto, N., Ikeda, Y., Usitora, K., Nakajima, M., Mizusaki, F., Moriguchi, F.: Women& Men in Japan--Gender Statistics No.3., Japanese and English version.

Research Committee of Gender Equality and Education in Research Institute of Democracy and Education. (2008)

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