Kagawa Nutrition University
Katsuko Naruse, Ph.D., Professor
Laboratory of Biochemistry


Youko FUKATSU, Etsuyo OKUNO, Kumiyo YOKOYAMA, Katsuko NARUSE and Sachiko TOKUHISA : Assay of Aspartic acid Enantiomers by Capillary Electrophoresis(in Japanese with English abstract) The Journal of Kagawa Nutrition University, 31, 15~19(2000)

Katsuko NARUSE : Synthesis of D-Phenylalanyl(d5)-L-leucine and its Applying to Assay of Hydrolase Activity - Study of D-Phenylalanylleucine Metabolism by the Stable Isotope Tracer Technique[1] - (in Japanese with English abstract) Annals of the Institute of Kagawa Nutrition University, 8, 63~69(2000)

Katsuko NARUSE, Akemi KOBAYASHI and Sachiko TOKUHISA : Effect of Combining Food with Calcium on the Levels of Ionic and Soluble Calcium(in Japanese with English abstract) Annals of the Institute of Kagawa Nutrition University, 5, 121~124(1997)

Katsuko NARUSE, Noriko ISHII, Yuuko KANDA, Masae YAMAZAKI and Sachiko TOKUHISA : The Variation of Plasma Glucose and Insulin Levels after Meals - Effect of Several Teas in Healthy Subjects - (in Japanese with English abstract) The Journal of Kagawa Nutrition University, 25, 81~83(1994)

Katsuko NARUSE, Kumiyo YOKOYAMA and Sachiko TOKUHISA : Conversion of D-Phenylalanine to the L-Form in Rats - Study of Phenylalanine Metabolism by the Stable Isotope Tracer Technique - (in Japanese with English abstract) Journal of Japanese Society of Nutrition and Food Science, 47, 381~384(1994)

Katsuko NARUSE and Sachiko TOKUHISA : Effect of Simultaneous Ingestion of Carbohydrate and Protein on Plasma Glucose, Insulin and Amino Acids Concentration(in Japanese with English abstract) Journal of Japanese Society of Nutrition and Food Science, 47, 179~184(1994)

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