Kagawa Nutrition University
Yoshihiro Kuwabara, Ph.D., Professor
Shigeko Ueda, Ph.D., Professor
Laboratory of Hygiene


Ueda S and Kuwabara Y: The rapid detection of Salmonella from food samples by loop-mediated isothermal amplification(LAMP). Biocontrol Science.14. 73-76 (2009) (in English)

Yoshiko Kijima, Satoshi Iwatsuki, Hirohisa Akamatsu, Kuniaki Terato, Yoshihiro Kuwabara, Shigeko Ueda and Hiroshi Shionoya: Natural Antibodies to Pathogenic Bacteria and their Toxins in Whey Protein Concentrate.
Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi. Vol.56. 475-482 (2009) (in Japanese) (in Japanese with English)

Makoto Mitarai. Haruchika Sekido, Shigeko Ueda, Yoshihiro Kuwabara and Hiroyuki Enari: Effect of Dietary DNA from Chum Salmon Milt on Endurance Running Capacity of Mice. Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi. Vol. 55. 510-514 ( 2008 ) (in Japanese) (in Japanese with English)

Ueda, S and Kuwabara, Y: Susceptibility of Biofilm Escherichia coli, Salmonella Enteritidis and Staphylococcus aureus to Detergents and Sanitizers. Biocontrol Science. 12. 149~153 (2007) (in English)

Ueda, S and Kuwabara, Y: Detection of Listeria monocytogenes from Food samples by PCR after IMS-Plating. Biocontrol Science.11.129~134(2006) (in English)

Ueda, S and Kuwabara, Y: Simultaneous detection of some Yersinia enterocolitica serovars from food and human samples by PCR after IMS-Plating Biocontrol Science.10.111~115(2005) (in English)

Nakano, S, Maeshima, H, Matsumura, A,Ohno, K, Ueda, S,Kuwabara, Y & Yamada,T: A PCR Assay Based on a Sequence-Characterize Amplified Region Marker for Detection of Emetic Bacillus cereus: J.Food Prot . 67. 1694-1701( 2004) (in English)

Ueda. S: Food Microbiology. J. the society of hearting air conditioning and sanitary engineers of japan. 78, 29~38(2004) (in Japanese) (in Japanese with English)

Ueda, S, Maruyama, T and Kuwabara, Y: A Method Combined Immunomagnetic Separation(IMS) Followed by Plating and Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR) Assay for Detection of Pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica from Food and Fecal Samples. Biocontrol Science.8.77~86 (2003) (in English)


Ueda. S. et al: Syokuhin Biseibutsugaku Jiten. Tyuouhoukisyuppan Kabusikigaisya (2010) (in Japanese)

Ueda. S. et al: Syokuhin Anzen no Jiten. Asakurasyoten 126~132 (2009) (in Japanese)

Ueda. S. et al: Biseibutsu Jiten. Asakurasyoten 384~407 (2008) (in Japanese)

Ueda. S. et al: Nesuka Kenkoukanri Gairon. Doubunsyoin 81~93 (2008) (in Japanese)

Ueda. S. et al: Kousyuu Eiseigaku. Kabusikigaisya Koudansya Saienthifikku 120~124 (2008) (in Japanese)

Ueda. S. et al: Kousyuu Eiseigaku. Doubunsyoin 37~44 (2008) (in Japanese)

Ueda. S. et al: Saisin Saikin Kabi Koubo Zukan. Kabusikigaisya Gijyutsujyouhou Kyoukai 37~44 (2007) (in Japanese)

Ueda. S. et al: Eiyoushi Kannrieiyoushi no tameno Naze? Dousite? tte donna. MEDIC MEDIA 37~44 (2007) (in Japanese)

Ueda. S. et al: Syokutyuudoku Yobou Hikkei.[Dai 2 han] 8. Bacillus cereus. Nippon Syokuhin Eisei Kyokai. 113~123(2007) (in Japanese)

Ueda. S. et al: Kuesutyon¥Banku Kanrieiyousi Kokkashiken Mondaikaisetu 2007 MEDIC MEDIA(2003-2010) (in Japanese)

Ueda. S. et al: Syokutyudoku Kensa¥Shinryo no Kotu to Otosiana. Nakayamasyoten(2006) (in Japanese)

Ueda. S. et al: Syokuiku Shidosi Yosei Koza Syokuiku Nyumon 1 tokyo Karutya- Senta-(2006) (in Japanese)

Ueda. S. et al: Kousyu Eiseigaku.Koudansya Saienthifikku(2006) (in Japanese)

Ueda. S. et al: Syokuhin Eisei Kensa Sisin Biseibutsu hen (Kosei Roudo Syo Kansyu). 10. Bacillus cereus. Syokuhin Eisei Kyoukai(2004) (in Japanese)

Ueda. S. et al: Biseibutu Osen Zirei ¥ Genba Kensahou Q&A. Saiensufo-ramu(2003) (in Japanese)

Ueda. S: Yunyu Syokuhin no Anzensei to sono Kakuho. Machinery & Equipment for Food Industry. 48~53 (2004) (in Japanese)

Ueda. S. et al: Nesuka Kenko Kanri Gairon. Doubunsyoin(2003) (in Japanese)

Ueda. S. et al: HACCP: Eisei Kanri Keikaku no Sakusei to Zissen (Kaitei)De-tahen. 8. Bacillus cereus. Tyuouhokisyuppan, 122~141(2003) (in Japanese)

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