Kagawa Nutrition University
Yukari Takemi, R.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor
Masami Ono, R.D., M.S., Assistant Professor
Laboratory of Ecology of Human and Food


Yoshioka, Y., Adachi, M. and Nakane, H.: The Characteristics on Dietary Life Among High School Students, Adolescentology, 17, 104-111. (1999)

Sung, C., Sung, M., Choi, M., Kang, Y., Kwon, S., Kim, M., Seo, Y., Adachi, M. and Mo S.: An ecological study of food and nutrition in elementary school children in Korea. Korean J. Commun. Nutr., 6, 150-161(2001)

Takemi, Y.: Development of a scale on positive dietary behavior and attitude among the elderly for diet-related Quality of Life, Japanese Journal of Health and Human Ecology, 67, 3-27 (2001)

Takemi, Y.: Assessment and evaluation measures for nutrition education for young adults: Skill, attitude, and behavior related to food and nutrition, Japanese Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 60, 131-136 (2002)

Takemi, Y.: Participatory nutritional education in the community: A framework for its evaluation, Japanese Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 60, 63-74 (2002)

Adachi, M. (Chief Researcher), Yoshioka, Y. (Co-Investigator): Development of Participatory Nutrition Education Program for School Children Supported by the Community, Funded by the Children's Future Research Foundation.(2003)

Adachi, M. (Chief Researcher): A Framework of Nutrition Education Adapted to Children's Lifestyle Using "Meal Pattern" as an index, A Report of the Health Science Research supported by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (2001)

Takemi, Y. (Chief Researcher): Integration of nutrition education based on the behavioral sciences and supportive environment in the community, Report of the Health Science Research supported by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (2003)

Adachi, M. and Nishida, C. Ed. and translation: Preparation and Use of Food-Based Dietary Guidelines, Daiichi Shuppan (2002):Preparation and Use of Food-Based Dietary Guidelines, Technical Report Series 880 (WHO), (1998)

Adachi, M. (Chief of the Committee): A Program on Nutrition Education for Children, A Report for The Japanese Dietetic Association (2001)

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